My specialty in physical therapy, is working with adults with the goal to help them Age Up Well™. Every human has different proportions, different movement patterns, and different physical capacities.
I have 30 years of experience as a physical therapist honing my skills at identifying and addressing a patient’s physical impairments that are responsible for limiting their activities and capabilities. These impairments may be from an acute injury, a repetitive musculoskeletal strain, habitual movement patterns, and the normal aging processes – all of which often lead to pain-producing syndromes and limited capacity to engage in everyday life, work-related tasks, or recreational and athletic activities.
I have specialty training in geriatrics and orthopaedics, and an abundance of experience in assessing and treating the movement-related problems associated with common medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, trauma injuries, arthritic joints (and joint replacements), and other age-related medical challenges.
I address everyone individually to assist them with preparing for a high-quality life and performing at their top level. I don’t treat patients; I don’t treat clients. I work with individuals, guiding and coaching them to how they can best improve their movement and functioning – their ability to participate in life. Training for life never stops.
My physical therapy with you can occur at your home (including assisted and independent living facilities), your gym, my clinic, or via Zoom.
I am a movement scientist. My sweet spot is analyzing how humans move and working with them on how to move better. And, moving better is associated with living without pain, minimizing cardiovascular disease, higher engagement in desired recreational activities, optimal athletic performance, and importantly, physical attractiveness and mental confidence.
I have extensive experience working with individuals at all ages – from the swimmer who is training to qualify for their country’s Olympic team to the senior citizen who desires to again be able to independently move from their bed to the bathroom and back and again walk around their neighborhood.
I also serve as a consultant to individuals, and care-givers, assisting them with negotiating through the processes and around the pitfalls of our health care systems - as they manage their own health care or the care of their loved ones.
In essence, contact me if you desire health and prevention consulting related to optimizing your movement performance, analyzing your movement patterns and needs, options for enhancing pain free mobility, strategies for engaging in injury free exercise, assistance with managing your fitness and appearance, tactics to improve your athletic performance, and approaches for facilitating and maintaining your cognitive functioning, regardless of age and geographic location.
For rehabilitation or performance optimisation. The visits can be via Zoom, or in person. They include an individual plan in writing or with videos, and support via SMS for questions. Sessions last approximately 1 hour. Multiple sessions can be used in one visit.
Available for 2 to 4 individuals via Zoom, or in person. In-take for will be completed prior to sessions. Sessions will last 60 minutes.
Contact me for pricing and availability. Can include evaluations, lectures, group classes, camps, online or in person.
Redox biotechnology is built on extensive scientific research describing the need of Redox signaling molecules for cells to function, and that the quantity of these molecules diminishes with aging and cell inflammation. There is now one product that can supplement diminished levels of these molecules.